Support the Community

Go the full circle and support your fellow hikers and paddlers. Volunteer, Leave No Trace, join the OTA, OHTA, FoOt, PBTC, and purchase their products.

If you see trash on the river even if it is not yours, police it up and place it in the orange bag provided by your outfitter and deposit in a suitable trash receptacle.

Trail Maintenance/Construction Volunteer

Ozark Trail Association
OTA Product Catalog

Ozark Highlands Trail Association
OHTA Product Catalog

Friends of the Ouchita Trail
FoOt How to Help

The Poplar Bluff Trails Coalition (PBTC) maintains the OT Wappapello section, the OT Victory section, and the Wappapello Lake and University Forest Trails. Join now! Poplar Bluff Trails Coalition
phone: 231-632-0135