Escape the Matrix!

After Action Report


Ozark trail backpacking Bell Mountain loop

Host -  Ozark Trail Section Hikers And Backpackers event

Backpack Ozark trail bell mountain loop. We will start at the trace creek/Taum Sauk section State Hwy A trailhead and hike 8 miles on the first day and camp somewhere near the top. And then hike the rest of the way back the next day.  NOV 19 AT 10 AM – NOV 20 AT 6 PM

Bell Mountain search results in Ozark Trail Section Hikers And Backpackers FB group

Bell Mountain search results in Missouri Hiking and Backpacking FB group 

You must register with FB and join the FB groups!


Driving Directions

To create driving directions:
Click on car or tent icons then click on "view in Google Maps" or link in description
Then use "Google Go" on your smart phone.

Area Map

The area is the BellMountain Wilderness accessed from OT Taum Sauk section - Hwy A trailhead

Topographic Map

Here is link to OT Taum Sauk Section topo.

Here is link to purchase OT Taum Sauk Section map
Support the OT and purchase their map and booklet products.

Print the topo map and carry with you while on trail! Also carry a compass!


Gaia GPS Map

For offline use while on trail.  Download to smart phone Ten Mile High App and/or Gaia GPS app.  The Gaia GPS tracks have been confirmed from  various sources.  However, The trail maintainers may have rerouted certain portions of the trails. Be observent and do not be led astray! 


All Trails Map

Alltrails is user supplied tracks.  Users GPS sampling rate sometimes is not high enough to record the actual hike in precise detail and sometimes the user bushwhacks off trail.  Therefore using Alltrails to navigate may be problematic.

Trail Conditions and Gear Recommendations

Trail may have very little signage. Trail may be pretty well maintained as for blow downs. This is an extreme rocky trail. Leaves will cover the trail and hide all the fist sized rocks underneath.  Watch for piggies and bears and goats.



  • Wear hiking boots
  • Hiking poles are an absolute must
  • Print and take topo map and take compass
  • Download map to Gaia GPS smart phone App
  • Take a sturdy trowel
  • Take bear bells
  • Standard first aid and survival kits.