Escape the Matrix!

This Ain't Disney Land, Prepare for Your Escape

Many of you hail from metropolitan areas where the only nature you see is the tuft of grass growing between the sidewalk slabs.  The U. S. Interior highlands, hiking, and paddlers trails therein are through dense remote forests and on fast running rivers in as much a wilderness as there can be in the US. 

We have made it easy to drive to the loop trail heads and once on trail to follow it with your smart phone.  WHAT MAY NOT BE EASY IS ACTUALLY HIKING OR PADDLING. The user must study the trail elevation ascents, descents, stream crossings, and total miles and make a personal judgment regarding physical ability to complete the whole trail.  The rivers in the Highlands are NOT the Splash Mountain log flume ride, canoes are easily capsized or swamped when running rapids or dodging root wads. The person in the stern (Rear) of the canoe should be an experienced canoeist..

You will be entering the real world!   It's not Disneyland nor a beauty contest.  Always tell someone where you are going!

Leave all the stuff you normally carry while in the matrix behind (except ID, medical restriction card, Epi pen, car key).

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